Project details

For the Spanish National Archeological Museum we chose several representative models of different historical stages: a Roman Mosaic, an Iberian sculpture and a Visigothic brooch. We used bookmark formats and a rectangular format that allows framing the finished embroidery easily.

Palacios y Museos


Museo Arqueológico Nacional 1

«Roman botanical mosaic of the Villa del Ramalete»

Tudela, 4th century AD.

Cross stitch bookmark kit, finished
size 5,5×18,5 cm

Museo Arqueológico Nacional 2

«Lady of Elche»

Iberian culture, 5th to 4th century BC.

Cross stitch kit, finished
size 10×15 cm

Golden Visigothic brooch

Bronze and glass, from Alovera, 6th century AD.

Cross stitch kit, finished
size 10×15 cm